Supporting the Nichi Bei Foundation helps us hold the community together. Becoming a member keeps YOU connected to the COMMUNITY through a subscription to the Nichi Bei News.
Membership / Subscription Options
Print Only
Delivered to you by mail
- • 28 Biweekly issues/specials per year delivered by mail
- • FREE Wall Calendar + SF Japantown Map & Directory
- • Japanese American Community Resource Guide
- • Discounts for programs, events, and books
- • Special invitations to events
(Print + Digital)
The BEST deal
- • 28 Biweekly issues/specials per year delivered by mail & digitally
- • Guaranteed on-time delivery with Digital Edition
- • FREE Wall Calendar + SF Japantown Map & Directory
- • Japanese American Community Resource Guide
- • Access to digital archives from January 2014
- • Discounts for programs, events, and books
- • Special invitations to events
Digital Only
Ideal for international and nationwide subscribers
- • 28 Biweekly issues/specials per year delivered digitally
- • Guaranteed on-time delivery with Digital Edition
- • Access to digital archives from January 2014
- • FREE Wall Calendar
- • Japanese American Community Resource Guide
• Discounts for programs, events, and books - • Special invitations to events
Frequently asked questions
Can I pay with a check instead of using a credit or debit card?
Yes! If paying by mail/personal check, complete the printable membership order form and send it along with payment to:
Nichi Bei Foundation Membership Dept.
P.O. BOX 15693
San Francisco, CA 94115
How do I renew my membership/subscription?
You can simply renew your membership HERE. Be sure to note that your order is a “Renewal” in the memo field at the bottom.
Can I see some sample issues before committing to a membership/subscription?
YES! See a wide array of previous editions of the Nichi Bei News at THIS LINK.
How does the Digital Edition work?
It’s easy! And gets to you fast! Check out this easy-to-follow video tutorial HERE.
I don’t recall signing up for the paper, so why am I receiving it?
You likely made a qualifying donation to the Nichi Bei Foundation, which includes a complimentary one-year subscription to the Nichi Bei News. If you would like to stop receiving your complimentary subscription, please e-mail the Membership Coordinator at and notify the Nichi Bei Foundation.
How can I request additional copies of the paper?
We are happy to send out additional copies, although some requests may incur additional charges and shipping fees. Please e-mail your request to the Membership Coordinator with your request to
How many issues do you send out per year?
We send a new issue every other week, with special expanded New Year’s Edition and Japanese Culture and Cherry Blossom Festivals Guide, or 28 issues per year.
How can I set my subscription to auto renew?
Those who order online with credit cards are automatically set for auto renew. You can opt out of this when ordering or opt in by contacting the Membership Department at or (415) 673-1009.
How do I change my mailing address?
Please click the button below to change your membership/subscription address.
How do I cancel my subscription?
You may change or cancel your subscription at any time. Please contact our Membership Coordinator at (415) 673-1009 or e-mail at
Can I get a refund?
While we can cancel and terminate your subscription at any time, we cannot provide refunds.
I have more questions
For any other questions regarding your subscriptions, please contact us at 415-673-1009 or
How can I support the Nichi Bei Foundation?
As a nonprofit, we are always appreciative of tax-exempt donations! Please visit our donations page HERE or reach out to
Don’t forget to sign up for our e-mail newsletters.
Members of the Nichi Bei Foundation will receive 28 bi-weekly and special editions of the Nichi Bei News, the country’s leading Japanese American news publication, including our New Year’s Edition, Japanese Culture and Cherry Blossom Festivals Guide, and Obon and Summer Festivals Guide. They will also receive the Japanese American Community Resource Guide and San Francisco Japantown Map and Directory.